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What is OpenG2P?

OpenG2P is an open-source platform that enables governments and humanitarian organisations to deliver critical social benefits directly to those who need them. It facilitates the building of secure, inclusive and efficient registries, and digital cash transfer delivery systems for social protection.


OpenG2P contributes to the advancement of several Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and aids nations in achieving SDG Target 1.3. The provision of inclusive and efficient cash transfer assistance can positively impact diverse dimensions of well-being, including but not limited to poverty alleviation (SDG1), enhancement of food security (SDG2), promotion of health (SDG3), facilitation of education (SDG4), promotion of gender equality (SDG5), and support for sustainable livelihoods (SDG8).


OpenG2P also provides technical advisory and capacity-building services to partners to ensure long-term sustainability.


OpenG2P was brought to life with support from volunteers with a desire to contribute to an open and inclusive approach to benefit transfers, privacy, gender equality, and financial inclusion. Jeremi Joslin and the OpenSPP team made significant code contributions that were adopted in version 1.1.0 of OpenG2P (released in August 2023).


The not-for-profit project is currently housed in the Indian Institute of Information Technology, Bangalore (IIIT-B), to promote product development and dissemination at scale.

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Guiding Principles

OpenG2P is built on a bedrock of good practices and principles, that will continue to drive our journey towards empowering populations around the world through technology.

Interoperable versatile, modular technology

Transparent open-source, vendor neutral, and open to community contributions and feedback

Inclusive human-centric design that leaves no one behind

Sustainable cost- and time-efficient, and cognisant of existing ecosystems


OpenG2P: A building block for DPI

The concept of Digital Public Infrastructure (DPI), facilitated by Digital Public Goods (DPGs), is swiftly gaining prominence. Among these DPGs, OpenG2P addresses the crucial requirement for digitising and automating essential processes related to the distribution of social benefits, forming a key pillar in the DPI framework. OpenG2P interfaces seamlessly with other DPGs in an interoperable manner to fully unlock the potential advantages of DPI for a country.


OpenG2P is formally recognised as a DPG by the Digital Public Goods Alliance (DPGA).

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Code and Documentation

OpenG2P code is available on GitHub under open-source licenses.

Find documentation for OpenG2P here.

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